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Media Networking & Processing

Deliver media experiences using reliable and scalable IP and Optical transport solutions.

System Overview

Evertz offers a complete end to end solution for scalable, flexible, and dynamically controlled media transport networks for video, audio and data signals. Whether a network location utilizes a managed or unmanaged connection into an IP network, or is connected via dark fiber or legacy SONET / SDH networks, Evertz has a solution to move signals across local or wide area networks. To manage the underlying network, Evertz has a software toolbox for network orchestration, monitoring and management, not only for controlling and troubleshooting transport networks but for increasing operational efficiency.

You can navigate to our various media transport products by clicking areas in the diagram below.

Flexible Media Edge

SCORPION Media Processing Platform is a flexible hardware platform. Moving away from fixed function, SCORPION allows for a high degree of customization to accomplish many workflows. Based on a modular concept, SCORPION leverages a catalogue of both SFPs and miniature input and output modules (MIOs) for diverse signal support and conversion. SCORPION possesses both internal routing capabilities using a 12G crosspoint as well as flexible FPGA resources capable of deploying software based services for additional processing. All of this power enables the aggregation, routing, processing, and transport of signals over both dark fiber and IP networks.

Learn More about SCORPION

Dark Fiber Transport

Supporting a wide range of video, audio, and data formats, Evertz is able to provide dark fiber transport solutions for any application. Leveraging Evertz CWDM / DWDM, Optical splitting, EDFA, Regeneration products, these applications can include short haul intra-facility, long haul inter-facility, studio connectivity, venues and events, OB vans, and remote production applications. Evertz dark fiber solutions provide connectivity up to 12G-SDI with minimal latency.

You can navigate to our various media transport products by clicking areas in the diagram below.

For more information visit Evertz
Optical Transport Products or Fiber Optic Transport Selection Guide.

Unmanaged IP Networks

Evertz offers an ideal option for delivering high-quality contribution video over unmanaged IP networks using RIST TR06-2 (Reliable Internet Stream Transport), SRT (Secure Reliable Transport) or legacy ARQ (Automatic Retransmit Query) technologies. With the proliferation of greater internet access bandwidth, broadcast professionals have a viable economical alternative to transporting video over higher cost dedicated managed IP links or fiber optics. Evertz unmanaged network transmission also allows connectivity into cloud based service providers.

Click below for more info.

Point to Point
Point to Multipoint
Point to Multipoint (with Cloud)
SRT Logo

For more information check out the list of ARQ based Evertz products:
XPS 7890IXG Cloudbridge SCORPION

Signal Conversion & Processing

Evertz also has the ability to push processing and signal conversion functions to the edge in transport networks. evEDGE™ Virtualized Media Processing platform revolutionizes broadcast infrastructure by separating the essential core broadcast services from the underlying processing engines. The paradigm shift from discrete, fixed-function hardware to compute pools of generic hardware with licensable software services provides a flexible, scalable, agile broadcast infrastructure to dynamically meet and adapt to changing facility requirements. evEDGE™ virtualized broadcast infrastructure provides the necessary toolsets to easily manage, license, deploy and operate core video / audio / ancillary services as needed across the evEDGE™ supported compute platforms.

For more information consult the Evertz sales department about evEDGE product offerings or visit

Network Orchestration & Control

Evertz offers a completely software defined transport network. Leveraging MAGNUM SDVN orchestration and control tools to dynamically allocate, police, and throttle signal rates, we are able to manage bandwidth as efficiently as possible. Utilizing MAGNUM, a user can provision services on a schedule or stand up static services on demand. Features such as dynamic bandwidth allocation and bandwidth throttling promote full utilization of network links and protect signal integrity, creating a reliable and agile transport network.

Taking control one step further, to the fingertips of network operators, VUE is the customizable user interface panels for direct control of the network. Whether this be simple router control, or advanced monitoring, QC or production, VUE defines and simplifies workflow.

Event Scheduling and Run-lists
QC Operational Interfaces
Service Path Visualization
Studio Router Panels with Visualization

For more information visit

Monitoring & Analysis Tools

Utilizing VistaLINK and MAGNUM-Analytics, Evertz can provide a comprehensive end-to-end facility and signal monitoring and networking management system (NMS) for broadcasters and service providers. Evertz transport NMS instances quickly allow operators to pin point and drill down into issues starting at a high level, increasing response time and network issue resolution.

Link Bandwidth Usage Monitoring
Service Monitoring
SLA Report Generation
Real-Time Link Monitoring

For more information visit
VistaLINK MAGNUM-Analytics