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Studer Vista MEQ Calculator

Use the Studer MEQ Calculator tool to calculate the total number of Mono EQuivalent channels, buses & paths you intend to use in your Vista console, to ensure that you choose a Core with sufficient Digital Signal Processing (DSP) capacity.

After completing your console configuration, you will have the option to send it to a Studer sales representative for discussion.

Step #1 - Select a console
Step #2 - Select console options
Step #3 - Allocate MEQ
Available MEQ: 0 / 0 @ 48kHz
Add Channels and Buses Mono (MEQ x1) Stereo (MEQ x2) 5.1 (MEQ x6) 5.1.4 (MEQ x10) 7.1 (MEQ x8) 7.1.4 (MEQ x12)
Input Channels
Sub Group Outputs
Master Outputs
Aux Outputs**
Mix Minus Outputs*
Matrix Buses
Multitrack Buses
vMix Buses
Gain-sharing style automixer
Patchable Shared Dynamic EQ
Only available on Infinity Core systems
Requires double MEQ space
x 2 x 2

Maximum 32

* A number of clients that do live broadcast shows use the Mix Minus buses for including Group Conferencing. This allows the "phoners" to talk between the people that phone in. The Mix Minus bus has some great features themselves off air and to the Director or Producer easily.

** Aux buses can be used as Mix Minus too, and are generally used as IFB communications. At the end of the day it is a preference of how you want to work, either the Aux bus or the Mix Minus bus.

Step #4 - Contact Studer sales

Would you like to discuss this console configuration with a Studer sales representative? Fill in the form below to send us a message. Note that all fields are required.