*************************************************** * This firmware is for the following product: * *-------------------------------------------------* * X-0401S-ATSC * *************************************************** version 1.2 build 125 (November 8, 2011) ------------------------------------------- -- corrected 14853 Audio issue related to duplicate ADP packets -- corrected where a Loss of audio was possible due to unstable genlock source -- Output video phasing so that active picture lines up with output raster -- Added menu item under utility for the switch delay mode -- corrected, where there were audio dropouts when locked to tri level & DARS (audio drops out after 2 or 3 switches on the input). Note: When upgrading to this version of firmware from any previous firmware, the V phase control (under the Reference->Output timing menu) must be set to 1 to ensure that ANC data from the input is inserted on the correct line on the output. In previous versions, this was typically set to 3.