Evertz Release notes for EN9025.BIN -------------------------------------------- build 3415 date 2012/07/27 - adds new Kodak keykodes (see http://www.evertz.com/resources/FilmID.pdf). --------------------------------------------------- build 3414 date 2011/03/10 - adds new Kodak keykodes (see http://www.evertz.com/resources/FilmID.pdf). --------------------------------------------------- build 3413 date 2010/08/04 - adds new Kodak keykodes (see http://www.evertz.com/resources/FilmID.pdf). --------------------------------------------------- build 3411 date 2009/03/18 - adds new Kodak keykodes (see http://www.evertz.com/resources/FilmID.pdf). - fixes Rev 35mm Keykode counting problems --------------------------------------------------- build 3409 date 2008/11/03 - adds new Kodak keykodes (see http://www.evertz.com/resources/FilmID.pdf). --------------------------------------------------- Evertz Release notes for EN9025.BIN build 3408 date 2007/12/18 * adds ORWO film support * refines LTC DEFERJAM mechanism to allow a 10 frame slop, only for the 1st 10 frames after the 1st beginning of an event. After that the DEFERJAM mechanism requires the offset between the LTC reader and the Video timecode to remain fixed. --------------------------------------------------- Evertz Release notes for EN9025.BIN build 3406 date 2007/12/12 - adds new Kodak and Fuji keykodes (see http://www.evertz.com/resources/FilmID.pdf). * fixes problem with LOCKEXIT events not occuring unless LOCKENTRY is enabled * turned off events due to absframe zero crossing * added 6hz and deferjam indicators to Comm log data * added lock since mechanisms to 6hz debug windows, video standard windows * added capturing of raw, uncompensated LTC at the GPI point, and the 6hz alignment at the GPI point - restricted DLO Events to only the enabled event types --------------------------------------------------- Evertz Release notes for EN9025.BIN build 3404 date 2005/06/28 - adds new Kodak keykodes (see http://www.evertz.com/resources/FilmID.pdf). - added system parameter 1-34 to trim ink event points, due to report that ink events were one A cycle late. - fixes problem where LTC inputs will not revert to last valid read when incoming LTC disappears. So LTC can appear to be 8 to 10 frames off when stopped. --------------------------------------------------- Evertz Release notes for EN9025.BIN build 3398 date 2004/11/18 - adds new Kodak keykodes (see http://www.evertz.com/resources/FilmID.pdf). - switches to non-fractional clock for PAL video cases. - more fixes for reverse keykode film - fixes watchdog timer aborts while switching from HD to SD or while booting into SD - fixes issue where video delays of 2,12,22,32...etc were off by 1 frame in the keykode numbers --------------------------------------------------- Evertz Release notes for EN9025.BIN build 3455 date 2004/01/05 - Fixes for head offset learning for 65mm 15 perf - Fixes for Decrementing Keykode head offset learning - Support for MISC text window centering has been in software since 03-01-17. - Fixed problem with ANC line number not being able to go below line 18. - Also adds new Kodak keykodes (see http://www.evertz.com/resources/FilmID.pdf). - As of ~July 28th, 2003, all 9150 and 9025 and 9045 products have been enhanced to add new character styles, because of customer requests (Norm). The following character styles are now supported: Lite Grey on black Lite Grey on Dark Transparent Lite Grey on Transparent Lite Grey on Pale Transparent Lite Grey, No background Grey on black Grey on Dark Transparent Grey on Transparent Grey on Pale Transparent Grey, No background - Also I have added a system parameter, Parm 0-10 to allow more modification to the font data. the _current_ definition for this parameter is as the following bits: ddddddddrrrrrrrrffffffffTxxxxxLx if TxxxxxLx is zero, no font modification will be done. if TxxxxxLx is non-zero, font modification WILL be done. if T is non-zero, the background to foreground transition will be replaced with the background, effectively 'thinning' the font on the leading edges of the character otherwise if ddddddddrrrrrrrrffffffff is zero, the leading edges of the character will be replaced with a mid-level grey. if ddddddddrrrrrrrrffffffff is non-zero, the leading edges will be replaced with rrrrrrrr. if L is zero, the foreground to background transition will NOT be modified, otherwise if ddddddddrrrrrrrrffffffff is zero, the falling edges of the character will be replaced with a mid-level grey. if ddddddddrrrrrrrrffffffff is non-zero, the falling edges will be replaced with ffffffff. For simple use, set the parameter to 128 (decimal) to make the font thinner. Or set the parameter to 3 to make for smoother transitions. changes in the parameter value cause the font to be reloaded, and tracker currently times out and gives an error message. The thinner font MIGHT be what some customers need who are complaining of smearing after low-res digitization into Avid. --------------------------------------------------- Evertz release notes for EN9025_3359.BIN 02/12/06 - MUST be used with Tracker version 1.5.83 or greater! - added 35mm 2 perf support - added support for Kodak 5218/7218 'EH' film --------------------------------------------------- Evertz Release notes for en9025.BIN build 1035 date 2001/07/03 - added PULLDOWN debugging tool - fixed bug in Audio numbers for non-zero video delay. --------------------------------------------------- Evertz release notes for EN9025_3308.BIN 02/05/07 UnRelease notes for HS9025.BIN and EN9025.BIN for 02/04/25 - resolves a number of issues wrt. boot code, environment variables and board revs. - Previous versions of the software did not support Rev C or greater boards, and required the board to be boot-programmed as rev B. This is no longer required. - Previous versions of EN9025.BIN did not correctly find the serial number and required it to be entered as an environment variable. The new software now correctly accesses the serial number that the .BAT files create and embed in the boot code. If a SN= environment variable exists, this value will supercede the embedded value, or replace a missing value on an older unit which may have been shipped without a serial number. The PB3 based products (HDSD9025 and SD9025) continue to use the serial number from the SN= environment variable, as before. - Previous versions of the EN9025.BIN did not correctly default to the correct board type and product type for old versions of boot code which do not support environment variables. The new software defaults to an HD9025 product on a 7700PB board. - fixes issue with SD chars being keyed one line earlier in Field 2 than in Field 1 - fixes crashing problem in SD with Vertical character position (Parameter 25-31) of 1 or 9 - fixes irregular positioning as Vertical character position (Parameter 25-31) is adjusted - added Mod-40 biphase counter capture at beginning of Keykode J-record. Shown on new DB_WIN_KKT display (24) which shows keykode timing. - added Mod-40 biphase counter capture when main biphase counter is captured. Added display of this value as H:nn to the DB_WIN_BPPHASE display. - added D+nn indicator to DB_WIN_VLTC to indicate when defered jam mode is active, and defered error value. - added delta frames display to DB_WIN_VLTC and DB_WIN_ALTC, and compacted the expected rate vs actual rate display. - changed DB_WIN_ABSREF prompts to show "TCREF" - made the DB_WIN_SCAN window more explicit about the reasons for jamming or not jamming. - added new frame pulse handlers FRAMEH_FALLSEQ (12dec) and FRAMEH_RISESEQ (13dec) which can accept a 6hz input signal and extrapolate a 3:2 pulldown relationship. - altered default LTC averageing window from 8 frames to 12 frames, and a default clipping value of 2 on the delta frames. --------------------------------------------------- UNRelease 020308 - added peeper - fixed VITC pulldown flags for 30fps - added DEBUG window name when highlighted --------------------------------------------------- UNRelease 020201 This software fixes the Keykode interface initialization of the baud rate on power up. --------------------------------------------------- UNRelease 011211 Quick issue of code for abis studios to resolve problems on switch from PAL to NTSC --------------------------------------------------- UNRelease 010905 - fixed JAMBEFOREREF status - added DB_WIN_ERRS for pop-up display of error codes and messages - fixed bug which could cause divide-by-zero in DB_WIN_IDLE on power-up - fixed problem in character display update which could allow screen display to not update properly - fixed dynamic compensation for KK, ink and film numbers - ignored 5550/5500 parity when not in 5550_CTL mode --------------------------------------------------- UNRelease 010803 - fixes for decimal timecode - fixes for Film Timecode, especially i50 - fixed reading of bit-reversed LTC - added ability to fake LTC counting modulus (usefull for pretending 24fps film timecode running at 25fps input bit rate) - added way to fake reading errors on the last frames of the second rather than the first frames of the second. - added getTCModulo() function to read back the detected counting rate of the incoming LTC - fixed syntax errors that interfered with 9150 compiles - fixes for Film Timecode, especially i50 - added polling of 5550 biphase counter stat (for Nigel Varian version of 5550 - UV55DN) - added support for modified j-records (for Nigel Varian version of 5550 - UV55DN) - fixed bug in 5550 control which incorrectly extracted the LSbit from the 5550 responses - added error message to Debug_Window to indicate conflict between HDMock Cine and 5550 Control - changed technique for handling Film Timecode to measure (to the nearest tic) when the filmtime becomes ready - added ability for fake scantrack to affect film timecode - added ability to measure (to the nearest tic) the phase of incoming LTC or Film LTC - added JAMMD_LEARN to distinguish JAM_OFF for learning purposes vs just plain off. - added dbug outputs DBUG_KK_PROCESS (58), DBUG_AK_PROCESS (59) which are pulses when the keykode and filmtimecode are processed - added dbug output DBUG_FTCSMPL (60), which is a pulse when the Film Timecode is sampled - added dbug output DBUG_GAUGE_0BPMA (64), which is pulse when the biphase based Filmtimecode is on frame 0 of each second. - added dbug outputs DBUG_FTCRDY (61), DBUG_VTCRDY (62), DBUG_VTCRDY (63) to indicate timepoint where incoming LTC is detected ready - fixed bug that prevented Authorization Code from being remembered correctly - Added Debug Windows DB_WIN_VLTC (21) and DB_WIN_ALTC (22) to show LTC reader info such as %reads, phase, unprocessed timecode, actual counting rate, expected counting rate - changed method of how FilmTimecode Jam Mode was to be specified. - added sys_FilmTCRate, parameter 25-29, which allows alternate film timecode rates: such as 24 or 25 for i50, and 30 or 24 for i60. - fixed problem where '*' error indicator in timecode character display could be missing from the display output - fixed 2nd and 3rd DEBUG character window displays - fixed DLO Debug window display - altered DEBUG window display of filmtimecode parameters - fixed FilmTimecode Trim offset, it was acting in the opposite direction - added support for filmtimecode in i50 - altered messages to tracker/debug port to indicated which pin of the Parallel port had triggered an action - added protection for VSTD, VDEF and RATE input pin functions to ignore because of too frequent a transition - added message to tracker/debug port to indicated when input pin is being ignored because of too frequent a transition. --------------------------------------------------- Evertz Release notes for HS9025.BIN build 1035 date 2001/07/03 - moved some system parameters around for better organization - sys_DB_Event_Ena from 25-33 to 25-20 - sys_5550_Poll_Disabel from 05-39 to 25-34 - sys_DBUG_comm_ena from 25-25 to 29-25 - added new system parameters - sys_5550_Ctl_Enable 25-33 Non-zero enables remote control of 5550 - sys_Early_Exit_Disable 25-35 Non-zero disables new early lock exit capability - sys_OffPhaseAdjustGlobal 01-24 global biphase dynamic offset in bp cnts - sys_OffCenterAdjustGlobal 01-25 global biphase center offset in bp cnts - sys_CleanProgramOut 00-3 if non-zero disable slate on program o/p - sys_Auto_Def 00-04 Non-zero enables auto switching HD <--> SD - fixed minor error in Film ANC ATR timecode phase indicator - fixed minor error in Film ANC ATR frame rate indication - fixed problem where input LTC parity could be passed through to the output LTC parity - added support for keykode or ink numbers in the userbits - improved 'config recieved' logic to be more accurate, despite failed configurations - made PRESTOP input function (input = -23 active low, or -24 active high) assignable to any input pin - changed the Scantrack value reported to Tracker - now using sys_HWScan, since previous value being reported actually had the scantrack cancelled out. - moved LTC reading to middle of timeframe for maximal phase offset handling - added support for Auto switch between HD and SD (PB3 rev A and greater only) (must be enabled via sys_Auto_Def) - added INP_FUNC_SLTONOFF (input = -25 active low, -26 active high) GPI controls for the virtual slate control - added INP_FUNC_SLTTOGL (input = -27 active low, -28 active high) GPI toggle for the virtual slate control - added DB_WIN_IDLE (20dec) display of processor slack time - modified DB_WIN display to show 6HZ input and FRAME input directly on picture for easier 'scoping' - added DB_WIN_ABSREF (19dec) to show new jam reference points - added DB_WIN_5550STAT (17dec)to show keykode reading statistics from 5550 - added DB_WIN_ASCAN (18dec) to show filmtimecode jamming details - added SLATEMD_GPITIMED (6) where GPI turns slate on, timeout turns off - added SLATEMD_GPI (5)where GPI turns slate on and off - completed missing support for EPISODE, FACILITY, and MISC windows - added support for authorization codes for extra features - altered lock exit mechanism to report exit point as 1 A cycle earlier to prevent wrong data (may be disabled by sys_EarlyExitDisable) - added global dynamic biphase adjustment "sys_OffPhaseAdjustGlobal" - added global centering biphase adjustment "sys_OffCenterAdjustGlobal" - added basic support for Film timecode - added support for remote control of 5550 (must be enabled with sys_5550_Ctl_Enable parameter) - added separate control of SD characters on PROGRAM output and CHAR output. PROGRAM out will show same characters as CHAR output, but only while SLATE is on. (may use sys_CleanProgramOut to remove all characters from PROGRAM output) - added new keykode/filmtimecode jamming mode JAMAFTER which jams after a reference point - change TFPhase display to show to the nearest 1/10th of a film frame - added approximate jam indicator: Keykode will show '*' in place of the ' ' or '+' if the keykode had jammed in an approximate fashion - ex. while shuttling. - added DB_WIN_BPPHASE (16dec) to show phase of reference edge of biphase wrt to Film, Video and Audio timebases - added indication of AUTOVSTD and AUTODEF to DB_WIN_VIDEO display - Modified DB_WIN_FRAME format for less width, better cues, more debug info - Altered DB_WIN_BP to show biphase counting up in forward direction, and show simultaneously the hardware count and the delta counts, and the dynamics flags - added support for detecting Dip switch #3 change while running, to allow change from Hidef to Stddef without reboot - added LD3 - on board Yellow 'EQ' light as a HIDEF mode indicator --------------------------------------------------- Release Notes for HD9025 010309 Build 3179 date 2001/03/09 -Added new Kodak film code 5263/7263/SO663 Mfg Letter: E; emulsion letter E -Added new Kodak film code 5284/7284/VE500T Mfg Letter: E; emulsion letter G --------------------------------------------------- Release Notes for HD9025 build 3177 and HDSD9025 build 397 date 2001/02/26 - optimized character generator interrupts for debug version. - added printf messages on Tracker Overruns and message timeouts. - fixed problem where DBug messages (DLO_ID = 0xFD or 0xFE) could be empty and contain garbage. - fixed potential problem for default test signal outputs which toggle. - reordered Tracker communications to have higher priority than keykode communications. - fixed startup problem with centering. - added better biphase dynamics averaging and adjustable averaging window. Telecine speed will be averaged by default over the past 8 frames. Telecine parameter Class 1 - parameter 23 can be used to add or subtract more frames (up to a total max of 32) to the window size. - added biphase noise stat "BAD:nn" to Debug Window display #3. Noise stat is reset on centering. Noise is simultaneous transitions on both biphase inputs. - prevented centering when biphase moving. Applying a config while the telecine was moving could cause a loss of precision of biphase based numbers. - prevented setting of biphase based time/edge numbers when biphase moving. Applying a config while the telecine was moving could cause a loss of precision of biphase based numbers. - fixed a couple of instances where Tracker could receive both an NAK and an ACK to a bad message. - altered interrupts for MCF5407 for HDSD boards. - altered UART support for MCF5407 for HDSD boards. - added support for PB3 board for HDSD. - added support for MCF5407 processor for HDSD. - forced fault_dump() etc. to dump on an enabled port. - protected integrity of parallel port outputs from multiple interrupts. - power LED was not always being latched after update - could cause strange behavior of power LED. - altered timing of LTC sampling to maximize the allowable phase offset of the incoming LTC. - added VideoUserBits and AudioUserBits display windows. - put more startup info on the Tracker port. - added another debug window #16, to show the positition of the reference edge of biphase w.r.t. the film, video, and audio timebases. Format is "BF:nnn BV:nnn BA:nnn". - added more debug output signals: DBUG_LTCV_UPD //52dec active low spike during video LTC reading of hardware DBUG_LTCA_UPD //53dec active low spike during audio LTC reading of hardware DBUG_GAUGE_0BPTA //54dec low while Hardware/biphase time frames ==0 DBUG_BPUPD30 //55dec low during Software processing of 30fps biphase DBUG_BPUPD24 //56dec low Software processing of 24fps biphase DBUG_IDLE //0x103 toggle while Processor idle DBUG_TASKPOLL //0x104 toggle when Processor starts polling job list DBUG_TIMER1 //0x105 Toggle on Timer 1 interrupt DBUG_TIMER2 //0x106 Toggle on Timer 2 interrupt DBUG_TRKR_COMM_ERR //0x107 Toggle on Tracker communications errors DBUG_TRKR_RX //0x108 Toggle for each Tracker char recieved DBUG_TRKR_TX //0x109 Toggle for each Tracker char transmitted DBUG_JREC_RX //0x10A Toggle for each KK Interface char recieved DBUG_JREC_TX //0x10B Toggle for each KK Interface char transmitted --------------------------------------------------- Release Notes for HD9025 build 3072, date 00/11/03 - limited ANC line number to HD lines 9-64, and 572-627 - made the sampling of the Frame Pulse input (latched, direct or otherwise) consistant in both fields. Sample point is 40% into the field. I.E. for the following video frame rates: At 24fps, Frame Pulse is sampled at the 8.3mS and 29.1mS points of the video frame At 30fps, Frame Pulse is sampled at the 6.6mS and 23.3mS points of the video frame At 25fps, Frame Pulse is sampled at the 8mS and 28mS points of the video frame - added output function DBUG_FP_SAMPLE (value 51decimal) which toggles at each sampling of the Frame Pulse Input - added output function DBUG_IO_SAMPLE (value 50decimal) which toggles at each sampling of the inputs - inverted the DBUG_MISC_VCYCL0 (value 23decimal) output. This output was an active low pulse representing the 9025 internal 6Hz cycle. It is now an active HIGH pulse and thus more closely resembles the 6HZ Reference input which controls the internal 6Hz cycle. Assuming no video delays and a parameter CLASS 1 PARAMETER 18 "9025 6HZ OFFSET" which is set to a value of zero, this output should line up with the 6Hz House reference. - made the sampling of all other parallel I/O inputs, including the GPI control input and the 6Hz Reference pulse input, consistant in both fields. Sample point is 20% into the field. I.E. for the following video frame rates: At 24fps, Frame Pulse is sampled at the 4.1mS and 25mS points of the video frame At 30fps, Frame Pulse is sampled at the 3.3mS and 20mS points of the video frame At 25fps, Frame Pulse is sampled at the 4mS and 24mS points of the video frame - added output function DBUG_IO_SAMPLE (value 50decimal) which toggles at each sampling of the inputs - removed DIP switch #2 as a biphase reverse control and replaced it with Class 1 Parameter 22 "Biphase Reverse Enable". When this parameter is non-zero, the biphase will be reversed in direction. - fixed a problem where the HD9025 used binary encoding for the INK Film Frame numbers in ANC output. This affected film formats with greater than 16 frames per foot (such as 3 perf and 16mm). - added a system parameter Class 25 Parameter 27 "9025 Legacy Ink Frames Enable" to enable reverting to original binary ink frame numbers in the ANC output. - added input functions INP_FUNC_6HZREF (value -13decimal) and INP_FUNC_6HZREF_INV (value -14decimal). These input functions allow any input pin on the Parallel I/O connector to be programmed for use as a TTL 6HZ reference Pulse input for use with 1080P/24sF video. When any input pin is so configured, the REFERENCE IN BNC connector (which accepts an NTSC reference signal) is disabled. INP_FUNC_6HZREF expects a TTL Active High Pulse which is sampled at the time points mentioned above so the rising edge timing is not critical. If the input pulse is asserted at the start of the video frame, then an acceptable pulse may have a width of as little as ~5mS. The start of the pulse is the start of the internal 6Hz cycle unless altered by the parameter CLASS 1 PARAMETER 18 "9025 6HZ OFFSET" as mentioned below. INP_FUNC_6HZREF_INV expects a TTL Active Low Pulse of similar requirements. - The default function for Pin 9 of the parallel I/O connector has been changed from INP_FUNC_GAUGE (the film gauge control) to INP_FUNC_NONE (no function)to avoid an ugly display if a 6Hz pulse is connected to this pin. Tracker must be used to configure the input as either INP_FUNC_6HZREF or INP_FUNC_GAUGE, or some other function. - altered the DEBUG window REF: display to show either "REF:NONE pinmask" or "REF:30 ..." or "REF:6 counter pinmask" to indicate the source or absence of the reference input. --------------------------------------------------- Release Notes for HD9025 Build 3033 2000/10/11 - added filtering to biphase inputs - added limits to biphase filtering - added system parameter 1-21 to control biphase filter cutoff point. Parameter is measured in multiples of play speed. Values 1-10 will be limited to 10X play speed. Default (parameter absent or parameter value = 0) is 25X play speed. - added detection and support for 7700PB2 board - fixed irrelevant error message and error indicator which inidicated a counting sequence problem in the Audio numbers when in 1080P/24sF - fixed irrelevant error indicator regarding FRAME pulse input when in 1080P/24sF - improved character vertical position range and vertical fine positioning (Parameter 25-31). This may create a different default character position compared with previous revisions. It is recommended that you compare character positions with video tapes made with previous HD9025 software. Parameter 25-31 can be used to adjust the characters to match your original positioning. - fixed potential problem in detection of exact video type (Debug Window) --------------------------------------------------- Build 2980 Sept 21/2000 - added support for 1080i50 - added system parameter 25-26 to enable character test - added display and detection of incorrect count sequence to ATR timecode - added free running film/ink number sources for test purposes - increased character raster size to maximize character placement option - added a Debug window (HORINZONTAL = 15) to show exact current input video type - forced a full character refresh on video standard switch and genlock regained to eliminate ghost characters