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7814UDX-2, 7814UC-2, 7814HDC-2, 7814XC-2 Series

Dual Path 3G/HD Up/Down/Cross Converters with Frame Sync

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The 7814UDX series are dual path broadcast quality up/down/cross converters that convert between common SD/SMPTE 259M and HD/SMPTE 292M video signals. "-3G" versions add support for common 3G/SMPTE 424M video signals. These modules support frame synchronization and external genlock inputs (card and frame reference) for video timing adjustments.

The 7814UDX series incorporates advanced motion adaptive spatial-temporal (3D) noise reduction and next generation de-interlacing techniques ensure superior resolution and artifact reduction, generating the highest quality video suitable for broadcast and other professional media applications.

The 7814UDX series supports broadcast quality scaling and offers both standard and user-defined ARC modes. AFD (SMPTE 2016) based steering of ARC modes and stamping AFD codes is fully supported. Transitions between AFD modes are frame accurate/glitch-free.

Full broadcast quality color correction and detail enhancement processors are also integrated in the 7814UDX series.

RGB based color legalization is also supported. ITU Rec. 709 ⇔ 601 color space conversions are performed as needed.

The 7814UDX series supports 16x channels of embedded audio with audio delay automatically matching video delay. Additional audio delay can be applied. Full audio processing is supported with standard proc features including audio channel shuffling, gain, and inversion. 5.1-to-stereo down-mixing (LoRo or LtRt) and mono-mixing. With "-AES8" variants, 8x discrete AES inputs and outputs are provided on a per path basis. Advanced audio processing options include stereo to 5.1 upmixing (+UMX2) and IntelliGain® audio loudness management (+IG2). Full audio routing capability allows outgoing embedded and discrete AES audio (-AES8 versions) to be sourced from any combination of embedded audio, discrete AES inputs (-AES8 versions) or processed audio. Dolby encoding and Dolby decoding options are also available with the -DAP variant of the 7814 series card.

The "-F" versions of the card offer added I/O via Evertz pluggable SFP modules (ordered separately). Whether the card uses the SFP or coaxial inputs is software selectable on a per-path basis. On the output side, in addition to the four coaxial outputs per path, one output per path is available via a dual-output SFP. Optical SFP's may be installed (ordered separately) to facilitate optical inputs and/or outputs.

These modules are SNMP-capable for remote monitoring, control and configuration capabilities using VistaLINK® PRO, CP-2116E or CP-2232E Control Panels. VistaLINK® is available when modules are used with the 3RU 7800FR series or 1RU 7801 frames and a 7700/7800/7801FC VistaLINK® Frame Controller module is installed. Each 7814UDX series card occupies two slots in the frame.


  • Dual path processing in a single modular form factor
  • Broadcast quality up/down/cross conversions between common SD/SMPTE 259M and HD/SMPTE 292M video signals
  • Support for common 3G/SMPTE 424M video signals (-3G versions)
  • Integrated frame synchronizers
  • Support for card reference connection and two sources of 7800FR frame reference (software-selectable from the three sources)
  • Advanced 3D noise reduction and next generation de-interlacing technologies ensure the highest quality video without compromise for broadcast and professional media applications
  • Supports standard and user-defined aspect ratio conversions
  • Fully AFD-enabled with frame-accurate transitions between AFD modes
  • Broadcast quality color corrector and detail enhancement engines
  • ITU Rec 709 ⇔ 601 color space conversions
  • Full processing of CEA 608/708 Closed Captions and time code with all required data translations and time code re-calculations
  • 16x channel embedded audio support
  • Audio delay automatically tracks video delay
  • Full audio proc and channel-swapping
  • 5.1 surround sound to stereo (Lt/Rt and Lo/Ro) down-mixing as a standard feature
  • Supports 8x external AES inputs and 8x AES outputs per path (-AES8 versions only)
  • Optional stereo-to-5.1 surround sound up-mixer (+UMX2 option)
  • Optional IntelliGain® Loudness Management (+IG2 option)
  • "-F" versions add fiber inputs and outputs when fiber SFP transmit and/or receive modules are installed (ordered separately)
  • Input may be sourced from coaxial or SFP sources (-F versions only), and through software selection may be manually forced to available inputs or may operate in an automatic mode based on loss of video
  • SNMP capable for remote monitoring, control and configuration capabilities using VistaLINK® PRO, CP-2116E or CP-2232E Control Panels
  • Optional Dolby Processing (-DAP option)

Ordering Information

7814xxx-3G-2 Dual path 3G/HD/SD up/down/cross converter with frame synchronizer
7814xxx-HD-2 Dual path HD/SD up/down/cross converter with frame synchronizer
7814xxx-3G-F-2 Dual path 3G/HD/SD up/down/cross converter with frame synchronizer and fiber I/O (SFPs ordered separately)
7814xxx-HD-F-2 Dual path HD/SD up/down/cross converter with frame synchronizer and fiber I/O (SFPs ordered separately)
7814xxx-AES8-3G-2 Dual path 3G/HD/SD up/down/cross converter with frame synchronizer and discrete AES I/O
7814xxx-AES8-HD-2 Dual path HD/SD up/down/cross converter with frame synchronizer and discrete AES I/O
7814xxx-AES8-3G-F-2 Dual path 3G/HD/SD up/down/cross converter with frame synchronizer, discrete AES I/O and fiber I/O (SFPs ordered separately)
7814xxx-AES8-HD-F-2 Dual path HD/SD up/down/cross converter with frame synchronizer, discrete AES I/O and fiber I/O (SFPs ordered separately)
7814xxx-AES8-3G-DAP-2 Dual path 3G/HD/SD up/down/cross converter with frame synchronizer, discrete AES I/O and Dolby® audio processing
7814xxx-AES8-HD-DAP-2 Dual path HD/SD up/down/cross converter with frame synchronizer, discrete AES I/O and Dolby® audio processing
All modules above can be ordered with the following options (replace "xxx")
UDX Up / down / cross conversion
HDC High quality downconverter
XC Cross converter
UC Upconverter

Ordering Options

Notes DAP modules can handle up to 8x Dolby® processes maximum. Each option will add an equivalent amount of processes per path. Eg. +DD2 will add one Dolby® decoder per path.
+IG2 Dual IG core
+BPRP2 Dual video bypass relay option
+UMX2 Dual up-mixing core (for -AES8 only)
+DD2/4/6/8 Dolby® E/AC3/Plus decoder for -DAP modules only
+AC3E2/4/6/8 Dolby® AC-3 Encoder for -DAP modules only
+DEE2/4/6/8 Dolby® E Encoder for -DAP modules only
+DPE2/4/6/8 Dolby® Digital Plus Encoder for -DAP modules only
Rear Plate Suffix
+3RU 3RU rear plate for use with 7800FR, 7800FR-QT or 7801FR Multiframes


7800FR 3RU Multiframe which holds 15 single slot modules
7800FR-QT 3RU Quiet Multiframe which holds 15 single slot modules
7801FR 1RU Multiframe which holds up to 4 single slot or 2 dual slot modules

SFP Interface Options for use with "-F" Product Versions

Notes Sold separately, please specify at the time of ordering.
Consult factory for CWDM multiplexers and other optical accessories.
SFP3R-2 Dual Optical SFP Receiver Module (FOR ROUTER & 7700 SERIES PRODUCTS)
3405T13-2 3G/HD/SD Dual Channel 1310nm, SFP Transmitter, Non-Reclocking
3405T13-2-S 3G/HD/SD Dual 1310nm SFP Transmitter, Non-reclocking, Short-haul or Multimode use
3405Txx/yy-2 3G/HD/SD Dual Channel CWDM SFP Transmitters, Non-Reclocking (Wavelength 27 to 61)